Order Info


It is important that the customers read the terms & conditions and privacy notice before ordering. We understand that ordering from an online boutique requires trust from both parts. Therefore we have written down the guidelines and instructions for our clients in order to make the use of Taigakoru store easier and more trustworthy. If you have any further questions in mind, please don´t hesitate to contact us for more information. We will be happy to assist you. Please notice: There is no minimum order at Taigakoru online boutique. All prices mentioned in the product descriptions include 25,5 % VAT (Value Added Tax = sales tax levied in the European Union and included in the retail prices) unless mentioned otherwise.

If you are ordering within the European Union, the VAT will be charged from you. Outside the European customers are responsible for all customs and import duties of the destination country, and Taigakoru cannot be held responsible for those costs. These duties vary by country, therefore Taigakoru is unable to advice you on those costs. For detailed information, we advise you to contact your local customs authorities. To order from Taigakoru online boutique, the customer must be at least 18 years of age. You can order directly from the online boutique or you can order by sending an email to Taigakoru or giving us a phone call.


Browse through the Taigakoru online boutique categories on the left. When you find an item you wish to purchase, choose the quantity (as a default there is 1 in the box, you can change that by removing 1 and by adding another quantity you like). Then click on the “Add this to Cart” button. The item is now in the cart. At any time you can check the contents of your cart by clicking “Shopping Cart”. If you want to modify or empty the contents of your cart, you can change the numbers of the products and then click “Update” before moving on or back. Shipping charges are not shown at this stage.

When you have chosen the items you wish to purchase, go to “Checkout” and then “Log In” or if you are a new customer, then “create a new account” and follow the instructions and fill in the form. After filling in the form, click “Submit”. You will be transferred to our secure server, then fill in all the details and confirm the order. Always click “continue” when requested. On completing your order you will receive a confirmation. It is maybe a good idea to print out this confirmation for future reference.


All orders are handled with the principle “first come, first served”. After receiving your order, we will send you a confirmation by email. Please check that all information is correct and let us know as soon as possible, if that is not the case. If for some reason you do not receive an order confirmation within 24 hours, please contact Taigakoru, and we will investigate what has happened. Our products are usually sent out within two weeks.

If for any reason the dispatch will take longer than two weeks, we will inform the customer about this and also why there is a delay. Please consider that some countries have restrictions on what goods can be imported. If Taigakoru detects that some products cannot be sent to you because of these restrictions, we will contact you and discuss the matter and find a solution to the problem. If Taigakoru for some reason cannot ship the products, we will of course refund your money.


We calculate the shipping and packaging costs based on the total value of your order. The total order value includes VAT 25,5 %. In Europe (EU and non-EU countries) you can expect to receive your priority mail package within 2 – 8 working days. To all other countries it should take 6 – 14 working days to reach you. The basic delivery cost for a registered delivery within the EU is 15-30€ and to countries outside of the EU is 30-40€ depending on if the customer selects to track the package or not. Orders exceeding 250€ include a free shipping. If you prefer another type of shipping, please contact us to disucuss other options.


The final payment will always be charged in euros according to the rate of the day. There are two payment options. You can pay by your credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or by a bank transfer. If you choose the latter option, we will send our bank account details to you by email and then you will be able to fulfill the transaction. We will set aside the item(s) you wish to order for 14 days starting the day after we send the payment instructions to you. We should receive your payment within 14 days. If that is not the case, the item(s) will be put back in the online boutique available for other customers to purchase.

When you choose to pay by your credit card, it is easy and safe, because the transaction is made on a secure server of the Finnish credit card service company for Visa and Mastercard payments (Luottokunta). Their server uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to make all credit card transactions secure. When you are in this secure mode, your information is being encrypted, so your card details and personal data cannot be viewed by anyone else. You can see that you are in a secure mode when the address in the “address bar” changes from being http:// to https:// .We strongly recommend not to send any credit card numbers & details by email, since emails are not secured connections.


We hope that our customers will be very happy and excited with the products they have ordered and we pay much attention to the quality and details of our products. Should you, however, for some reason want to return or change the goods (or some of them), then you can do so within 14 days of receipt of the goods, starting the day after you have received the package. Please note, custom made, modified or engraved products cannot be returned. Please contact Taigakoru before you return any items, so we know to expect a package from you. We would also like to know why you wish to return our products in order to improve our service.

We need to underline that all items you wish to return or change, must be unused and in original condition. Please take care that the products are packed carefully before you send them back in order to avoid damages. These return costs are to be paid by the client, Taigakoru will not refund the costs. It is advisable to ask a receipt of the return sending from your post office so you will have a proof of posting. Taigakoru will not be responsible for lost goods of these return sendings. If you wish to change the returned product to another, you will also be responsible for the new shipping costs.

Return address is:

Paja 1605 Oy / Taigakoru
Aittatori 10
90100 Oulu

After we have received your return parcel and concluded that the item(s) is/are in required original condition, we will refund your money accordingly via the payment method used in payment. You will get a notice from Taigakoru when we have refunded your money.

Return of damage in transit products or faulty products

If you receive damaged or faulty goods, you can return them within 14 days of receipt (starting the day after you have received the package) to Taigakoru and we will reimburse your return shipping. It is necessary you contact Taigakoru before you return any items. (It would be also very good if you are able to attach some photos of the damaged goods in your email.) If the product can be repaired, we will do that for free. If that is not possible, you can get a new product in place or you will get your money back. When we send back a repaired or a replaced product, the shipping costs will be paid by Taigakoru. Please remember this is only when there is a damaged or a faulty product in question.

Address when returning damage in transit or faulty products:

Paja 1605 Oy / Taigakoru
Aittatori 10
90100 Oulu


All prices, including the postage and packaging, are valid until further notice. Taigakoru reserves the right to change the prices and / or conditions if that is found to be necessary. If your order is in process, we will not, however, suddenly raise the costs. Taigakoru will not pay any interest on the money the clients have on their Taigakoru online boutique accounts. If continuous misuse occur, Taigakoru reserves the right to stop the relationship with such customers without further notice. Please consider that the colours you see in your monitor can differ from the colours of the actual products due to different colour representation of various screens. All Taigakoru products are made by hand, which makes each of them a unique piece. This is also a feature that our clients highly value. Therefore it is possible there are some small differences between the products in the same range. This is not a flaw or a sign of a badly made item. Instead, it is a sign of a product that has been created individually, lovingly and not using mass-production methods.


Taigakoru respects the privacy of the clients, it is very important to us. Therefore we will not sell, give, lend or in any other way distribute our clients´ personal information to third parties. All information Taigakoru receives from the customers are for handling the orders and customer relations only and will be kept confidential. The only exception to this rule would be a situation if any illegal activities have been discovered and the authorities need to investigate the matter. Taigakoru will not send any advertisements or make phone calls to the clients afterwards. If Taigakoru is going to publish a newsletter in the future, it will be sent only to those persons who give the permission to that and not automatically to every customer. At the moment Taigakoru does not send any newsletters.

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Gift cards used in the shopping cart


Terms and conditions


- Asiakkaan on ennen tilauksen tekemistä tutustuttava kulloinkin voimassa oleviin toimitusehtoihin ja yksityisyyssuojatietoihin.
- Taigakorun verkkokaupassa ei ole minimitilaussummaa.
- Kaikkiin hintoihin sisältyy arvonlisävero 24 %.
- Tuotteiden tilaajan ja maksajan on oltava vähintään 18 -vuotias. Tilauslomakkeen täyttämisen yhteydessä asiakasta pyydetään rastittamaan kohta, että hän on tutustunut sekä yksityisyys-suojatietoihin, että toimitusehtoihin ja että asiakas vahvistaa olevansa 18 vuotta täyttänyt.
- Jos olet alle 18-vuotias, sinun täytyy pyytää huoltajasi suostumus tilaamiseen. Ota yhteyttä joko sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse ja ilmoita meille huoltajasi yhteystiedot, niin voimme tarkistaa hänen suostumuksensa tilausta varten.



- Tuotteet toimitetaan asiakkaalle postitse tai matkahuollossa hänen ilmoittamaansa osoitteeseen.
- Tilaukset käsitellään saapumisjärjestyksessä.
- Asiakkaalle lähetetään tilauksen saavuttua automaattinen tilausvahvistus. Tarkasta, että kaikki tiedot pitävät paikkansa. Mikäli jossain on puutteellisia tai korjattavia tietoja, ota yhteys Taigakoruun. Jos jostakin syystä tilausvahvistusta ei tule 24 tunnin kuluessa, ota yhteyttä joko soittamalla tai sähköpostitse, niin tutkimme, mistä se johtuu.
- Tilauksen toimitusaika on yleensä 2 – 7 päivää (ellei tuotekortissa mainita toisin). Mikäli toimitus jostakin syystä kestää pidempään, ilmoitamme siitä asiakkaalle ja kerromme, miksi näin on.


Toimituskulut Suomen alueella

Toimituskulut määräytyvät asiakkaan valitseman toimitustavan perusteella. Esimerkkihintoja:

  • Postin pikkupakettina 6,50€ (jaetaan postilaatikkoon, sisältää seurannan)
  • Matkahuollon XSS-pakettina 6,50€ (lähetys noudettavissa lähimmästä MH-palvelupisteestä, sisältää seurannan).
  • Yli 100 € tilaukset Suomeen ilman toimitusmaksua kaikilla toimitustavoilla.
  • Yli 200 € tilaukset ulkomaille ilman toimitusmaksua kaikilla toimitustavoilla.

Jos tilaus halutaan toimitettavaksi jollakin muulla tavalla, on siitä sovittava erikseen Taigakorun kanssa tuotetta tilattaessa.



Toivomme, että asiakkaamme ovat tyytyväisiä hankkimiinsa tuotteisiin. Mikäli kuitenkin jostakin syystä haluat palauttaa tilaamasi tuotteen, on sinulla kuluttajasuojalain mukainen oikeus tehdä se 14 vuorokauden kuluessa tuotteen vastaanottamisesta. Palautettavan tuotteen on ehdottomasti oltava käyttämätön ja uuden veroinen. Myös kaikki mahdolliset mukana olleet tuotekortit yms. on liitettävä mukaan.* Huom: Kaiverretuilla koruilla tai mittatilaustuotteilla ei ole 14 päivän palautusoikeutta.* (Kuluttajansuojalaki 16§)

- Pakkaa palautettavat tavarat huolellisesti, mieluiten alkuperäiseen pakettiinsa ja liitä siihen lähetyslistan ohessa oleva lomake asiakaspalautusta varten.
- Palautuslähetyksesi saavuttua maksamme rahat mahdollisimman nopeasti tilauksessa käytetylle maksutavalle. Mikäli palautat vain osan tilaamistasi tuotteista, emme hyvitä alkuperäisiä postituskuluja, mutta mikäli palautat koko lähetyksen, hyvitämme myös kaikki alkuperäiset postimaksut.
- Rahojen palautumiseen kannattaa varata noin seitsemän arkipäivää (joiksi lasketaan ma-pe) postin kulkua ja rahojen siirtoa varten. Mikäli et ole saanut rahoja takaisin kymmenen arkipäivän kuluessa tuotteiden palautuksesta, ota yhteyttä Taigakoruun niin selvitämme asian.

Palautusosoite on: Paja 1605 Oy / Taigakoru, Aittatori 10, 90100 Oulu


Muita ehtoja & huomionarvoisia seikkoja

- Sivustossa mainitut hinnat ovat voimassa toistaiseksi koskien myös postitus- ja käsittelykuluja.
- Koska jalometallien maailmanmarkkinahinnat vaihtelevat, Taigakoru pidättää oikeuden tehdä muutoksia hintoihin ja toimitusehtoihin. Hintoja ei kuitenkaan muuteta jo Taigakorulle saapuneisiin/tehtyihin tilauksiin, vaan niissä sovitut hinnat ovat sitovia.
- Taigakoru ei maksa korkoa asiakkaiden verkkokaupan tileillä oleville varoille.
- Suuri osa Taigakorun tuotteista tehdään käsityönä. Siksi voi olla mahdollista, että saman mallisissa, tai saman sarjan tuotteissa voi olla pieniä eroja, jotka kuuluvat yksilöllisen, käsintehdyn korun ominaispiirteisiin, eikä niitä voi lukea tuotteen virheeksi.